
Shitpost.me is a private non-profit website that isn't to be made liable for any content that has been either linked to, embeded or directly posted on here. Most of the posts on here don't belong to me (the admin) nor am I to take credit for them. All listed sources are to be given credit for the creation of their art.

So about shitpost.me

This site is an educational and a recreational project done by me, the admin. To this moment I am working alone on this project, still learning the basics of webdesign and only at the beginning of the endless implementations of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. Please don't take this site too serious, it is just ment as a small platform where I including YOU can contribute to create a library for top tier shitposts, memes and cursed images.

Quality Control

The quality control of the uploded contents is done by myself with the help of a couple of friends who are also suggesting content for uploud, though at the moment I am the only one finally reviewing it. I strive to only post quality content that fits the necessary criterias. If you aren't satisfied with the content then feels free to write an E-Mail at info@shitpost.me